While television is still the main way people access video content, changing viewing habits continue to provide new opportunities for online video content. A Nielson study revealed that nearly 25 percent of videos viewed in high-speed Internet households happen on a screen other than the TV.
So how do you corner that market? While there is no magic formula for generating another line of revenue for your business, there are options. Remember that great content and an engaged audience is valuable. Outside of monetization options on YouTube, what are the best options to drive returns on your video content, and which have the most potential?
Monetize through sponsorships. When a company has a large or loyal audience, or a certain niche, sponsorships can be created through a branded video player or page, or pre-rolls from the same brand. Sponsorships can be created surrounding videos that have already been created.
Pre-roll advertising. One of the easiest – and thus most common – ways to drive income from video content is to sell 15- or 30-second spots preceding the video. You can work with a third party platform for targeted messages.
Video on demand, subscriptions and pay-per-view. There isn’t much evidence out there that users will pay for content created for an online market. But a-la-carte options, like Netflix or Amazon Prime, are gaining traction in place of monthly cable or satellite TV. Think about your premium content and how to deliver it directly to consumers.
License your video content. If you create the right type of video, and it’s high quality, others might pay for the right to use it. Netflix is a great example of this, and other companies may choose to use the training or educational videos you have created rather than incur the cost to produce their own.
Product placement. Just like the tried and true method on TV, other brands – especially those that are complimentary to yours – might be willing to pay to be associated with your high-quality and targeted video content.