Content creation in today’s social-media driven digital world needs to do more than actively capture and engage audiences; it needs to cut through the noise. The array of objectives for content creation can include building brand awareness, establishing thought leadership, lead generation, driving sales, and search engine optimization, among others.
Maybe, this is easier said than done. But with clear goals and a well-defined strategy, creating content – exceptional content – can accomplish all of these goals. Here are five elements a business can include when planning and implementing content for other businesses.
Targeted content.
Content that doesn't capture and engage your audience isn't the right content. Know the audience, and objectively determine what content satisfies their needs. Consider the objective, and think critically about what you need your content to accomplish (what reactions it will cause) given its target audience.
Choosing the right assets.
An established objective and target audience will lead directly to determining the format and structure of the content. Along with an editorial calendar that plans how and where the content is consumed, what formats (blogs, videos, podcasts, ebooks, newsletters, social) are used?
All about optimization.
Strategic content is optimized in two ways – for search engines and for lead generation. One of the biggest benefits of lots of content is SEO, as each piece of content (blogs, video, podcasts) gain traction in search engines. The other is that effectively optimized content will be positioned to generate business leads.
Offering real value.
Producing content that is truly valuable to an audience is the most effective way to cut through the noise. What makes it valuable? Apply what you learn to the content you continue to create. Content that educates, informs, offers industry opinions, advises, or reacts to news often brings value.
The end result.
What good is content creation if it isn’t driving results? Planning and implementing amazing content requires adaptability and the need for continuous improvement. Utilize statistics and user feedback to validate the value of the content. If the content is helping business - brand awareness, thought leadership, generating leads, driving sales – then it represents a successful content campaign.