Posts over 1500 words get 68.1% more tweets and 22.6% more Facebook likes than shorter posts (source).
For a long time the old adage “content is king” was enough. But in today's hyper competitive digital marketing environment, the right type, format, and length of content is more important than ever. While a few sentences about your day at the beach or a picture of your new puppy are entertaining, that won't hold your audience’s attention for more than a few seconds. Long, detailed, thoroughly researched content is critical to engaging the reader at a deeper level and getting them to share with their friends. If you spend more time writing better and longer content and less on marketing, it could very well happen that your readers take up the marketing task for you.
60% of millennials rely on social media for their news. (source)
The millennial segment of the population is an ever growing and ever changing beast. With many companies competing for this segment due to their age, growing incomes, and changing tastes, understanding how and where to market to this group is of the utmost importance for digital marketers. If you have a new product, news about your company, or run a company that is related to news in some way, consider bulking up and analyzing your social media usage to find spots to improve. Most millennials are not watching CNN or reading newspapers, but rather want their news in a short viral format in the palm of their hand. Find a way into those palms, and the rewards could be substantial.
83% believe that companies should support nonprofit and charity organizations (source)
Beyond being a good corporate citizen or doing what’s right, using the results of philanthropic efforts in marketing can help establish credibility and trust among consumers. Consumers are getting smarter and more savvy by the day so the chances of them shrugging off advertising or reacting negatively to marketing is higher than ever.
Rather than trying to highlight the benefits or advantages of your product or service, marketing the good you are doing in the community can help generate more followers and likes. This can snowball because your future traditional marketing efforts and posts will have a further reach and be well received due to the trust you established.
Inbound marketing delivers 54% more leads then traditional outbound marketing (source)
Outbound marketing is slowly going the way of the dinosaur as customers get savvier at hiding from or dodging traditional marketing attempts. The challenge for the digital marketer now is to go where their customers hang out and spend their time, and establish a presence there.
These efforts might not seem like they directly translate into sales like traditional ads or marketing would, but the effect will be seen slowly over time as your inbound leads pick up. Having your content in the right places and the right time without shoving it down your customers throat is the way to go in 2015 and beyond.
The best part? Inbound marketing is usually dramatically more affordable than traditional marketing or sales teams. This is due to harnessing the sharing and “viral” power of the great content you produce and having your customers tackle some of the marketing effort for free.